martes, 20 de enero de 2015

The name game! - American Horror Story Asylum (lyrics and song)

The name game!

Judy, Judy, bo Budy
Banana fanna fo fudy
Fee fi mo Mudy

Lana… Lana, Lana, bo Bana
Banana fanna fo Fana
Fee fi mo Mana

Come on, everybody
I say, now let’s play a game
I bet you I can make a rhyme
Out of anybody’s name
The first letter of the name
I treat it like it wasn’t there
But a “B” or “F” or an “M” will appear
And then I say bo, add a “B”
Then I say the name and banana fanna and a fo
And then I say the name again with a “F”, very plain
and a fee fi and a mo
And then I say the name again with a “M” this time
And there isnt any name that I can’t rhyme

Pepper… Pepper, Pepper, bo Bepper
Banana fanna fo Fepper
Fee fi mo Mepper
But if your first two letters are ever the same
I drop them both and say the name

Like Bob, Bob, drop Bs bo Ob
For Fred, Fred, drop Fs fo Red
For Mary, Mary, drop the Msmo Ary
That’s the only rule that is contrary

Now say bo
Now Tony with a “B” Bony
Then banana fanna fo
Banana fanna fo
They you say the name again with an “F”, very plain
Then a fee fi and a mo
Fee fi mo
Then say the name again with a “M” this time
And there isn’t any name that you can’t rhyme

Kit, Kit, bo Bit,
Banana fanna fo Fit
Fee fi mo Mit, Kit
The name game

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