An Awkward Taurus
The signs in the wizarding world
Aries: the Headmaster
Taurus: the Quidditch player
Gemini: the Curse breaker
Cancer: the Healer
Leo: the Head of Aurour Office
Virgo: the High Inquisitor
Libra: the Herbologist
Scorpio: the Minister of Magic
Sagittarius: the Dragonologist
Capricorn: the Professor
Aquarius: the Magiczoologist
Pisces: the Obliviator
the signs as breakfast
Aries: sweet black coffee
Taurus: the entire buffet
Gemini: weetabix with ginger
Cancer: porridge
Leo: a full english breakfast
Virgo: tea and toast
Libra: who eats breakfast ha
Scorpio: some form of alcohol
Sagittarius: fast food
Capricorn: jam scones
Aquarius: eggs benedict
Pisces: cereal
Taurus: the entire buffet
Gemini: weetabix with ginger
Cancer: porridge
Leo: a full english breakfast
Virgo: tea and toast
Libra: who eats breakfast ha
Scorpio: some form of alcohol
Sagittarius: fast food
Capricorn: jam scones
Aquarius: eggs benedict
Pisces: cereal
Why the signs can't get a boy/girlfriend
They never shut the fuck up: Sagittarius, cancer, Pisces, Aries
They’re too shy: Aquarius, Taurus, Libra, Virgo
They’re too socially awkward: Leo, Scorpio, Gemini, capricorn
Controlled and Concealed: Aquarius, Sagittarius, Pisces, Capricorn
Mixed: Cancer, Libra, Virgo, Gemini
Uncontrollable and Unconcealed: Scorpio, Leo, Taurus, Aries,
Mixed: Cancer, Libra, Virgo, Gemini
Uncontrollable and Unconcealed: Scorpio, Leo, Taurus, Aries,
The Signs As Katy Perry Songs
- Aries:Roar (2013)
- Taurus:Part Of Me (2012)
- Gemini:I Kissed A Girl (2008)
- Cancer:Birthday (2014)
- Leo:Last Friday Night (2011)
- Virgo:Dark Horse (2014)
- Libra:Hot n Cold (2009)
- Scorpio:Unconditionally
- Sagittarius:California Gurls
- Capricorn:Wide Awake (2011)
- Aquarius:E.T (2011)
- Pisces:Teenage Dream (2011)
- Aries:Lupin
- Taurus:Lord Voldemort
- Gemini:Hermione Granger
- Cancer:Sirius Black
- Leo:Ron Weasley
- Virgo:Hagrid
- Libra:Draco Malfoy
- Scorpio:Dumbledore
- Sagittarius:Minerva McGonagall
- Capricorn:Argus Filch
- Aquarius:Bellatrix Lestrange
- Pisces:Harry Potter
- What The Signs Look For In A Partner
- Aries:Confidence; they like people who look like they have it all and love themselves; they don't like people who are down all the time
- Taurus:Friendliness; they like people who are open and nice; they don't like people who constantly tear people down
- Gemini:Intelligence; they like people who are going somewhere in life; they don't like people who don't care about their futures
- Cancer:Security; they like people who can protect them and make them feel safe and loved; they don't like people who are flight risks
- Leo:Humor; they like people who can make them laugh; they don't like people who can't take a joke and are serious all the time
- Virgo:Hard work; they like people who work for what they get; they don't like lazy people who can't provide
- Libra:Fairness; they like people who can look at things from both sides; they don't like people who are constantly judging other people
- Scorpio:Mystery; they like people who look like they have more than meets the eye; they don't like people who are basic
- Sagittarius:Adventure; they like people who aren't afraid to try new things; they don't like people who are clingy and caged in
- Capricorn:Independence; they like people who can take care of themselves; they don't like people who are constantly demanding their attention
- Aquarius:Originality; they like people who are different; they don't like people who are traditional and judgmental
- Pisces:Sensitivity; they like people who listen to them and connect with them on an emotional level; they don't like people who are insensitive, mean, or don't care about their feelings
- The Signs At a Party
- Go big or go home partier:Gemini, Aquarius, Pisces
- On their phone the entire time:Sagittarius, Libra, Leo
- There for the free food:Scorpio, Taurus, Cancer
- Pretending to be sick but really at home:Virgo, Aries, Capricorn

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