viernes, 3 de octubre de 2014

Jay post wrist surgery…

Message from Kodaline

Hi Everyone,
I’m afraid we have some bad news. 

Sadly we’ve had to cancel a number of dates on our US tour. Including, ACL festival in Austin and the Corona festival in Mexico.
Jason has broken his wrist and is going into major surgery at the end this week. 
The tour will now begin on the 18th October in Los Angeles. 

Dallas, Houston, New Orleans, Anaheim, San Diego we will be back soon. We promise! 

Yours faithfully

Steve, Mark, Vinny and Jason.

Message from Jay

“So I hurt myself a few weeks ago in a silly accident 
I am working on getting my arm back to full strength as soon as humanly possible to get back on the road.
Thanks to the lads for their support so far and see you all soon!”

Asa Butterfield for Teen Vogue

mynameschai is one of my favourite people.

one of my favorite things is when you give a baby your finger and they hold on to it as tight as they can. it’s funny because they don’t even come close to having the amount of muscle power i do. do you really think you can hold me here haha. i’ll crush you

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