sábado, 25 de julio de 2015



“hey aren’t you too old for Poké…”

tumblr promoting random-ass blogs in the middle of your dashboard like 

when the leader of the bad guys sang
something soft and soaked in pain
i heard the echo from his secret hideaway
he must’ve forgot to close his do-


Especial frases

No hay nada como volver a un lugar que no ha cambiado, para darte cuenta cuánto has cambiado tú.
—  Twitter.

Lo romántico nunca muere. Es como la luna, y vive siempre.
—  Oscar Wilde, El Insigne Cohete

“¿Y que es lo peor que te puede pasar al estar enamorado? - preguntó intrigado el conejo. 
A lo que el joven respondió - Lo peor que te puede pasar al estar enamorado pequeño amigo… es que a la otra persona se le acabe el amor.”

Ella es hermosa y leal. ¿Por qué coquetear con otras chicas? ¿Por qué engañarla? Es como tirar un diamante, y recoger una piedra.

8000 visitas!!

Travelling - Paper Lions

Travelling - Paper Lions

Travelling the road, last known is where i want to be
My compass directing, electing, an open road with golden trees
But there's an old man in need on the ground, i try not to make a sound
He holds out his hand as i walk away, i hear him say

Please don't be a stranger in my place
Please don't be a stranger in my place

Travelling come to a tavern for a momentary rest
I see the old man that i passed on the road in his distress
As i turned to go i can hear him say, "son, stay. have a drink, i'll pay."
Let bygones be gone, it's all in the past, we raise a glass

Please don't be a stranger in my place
Please don't be a stranger in my place

What if i could be what you wanted me to be
What if i could see what you wanted me to see
Come on and show me

Please don't be a stranger in my place

Hugh Larrie

Diego Simonet- Panamericanos

Sin fractura pero hubo luxación. Rehabilitando para poder ayudar al equipo mañana.
Disfrutemos que el handball argentino es olímpico nuevamente!